Saturday, June 13, 2015

Boehner Works With a Group To Spend $1 Million on Disastrous Pro-TPA Ads

From HERE:


Another political organization group has come out to the public and announced a $1 million advertising campaign in favor of Trade Promotion Authority. Working alongside Speaker of the House, John Boehner, the American Action Network is spending $374,000 for national TV ads of Fox News, $250,000 on mail ads, $200,000 on digital advertising, and $75,000 on radio spots. This non-profit organization does not disclose the donor’s money which leaves everyone wondering: who exactly is behind this massive ad campaign?
By looking at other non-profit organizations, we can get a sneak peak at who is truly supporting TPA and NAFTA-style free trade agreements.  U.S. Business Coalition for TPP, Trade Benefits America Coalition, and the The Progressive Coalition for American Jobs are all organizations similar to the American Action Network that have spent time and effort pushing in favor of TPP and TPA. Members of these coalitions include Verizon Communications, Toyota, Target Corporation, General Mills, Inc., Apple Inc, and dozens of other multinational corporations.
This massive ad campaign has been strategically thought out and will be aimed in certain key districts. It is meant to drive the House GOP votes which our sources say that there simply aren’t enough “yea” votes to pass TPA.
TPA is a controversial bill that gives power to the executive branch to negotiate trade treaties. TPA limit’s Congress’ ability to better a trade deal by subjecting members of Congress to 90 days of reviewing the trade agreement, prohibiting any amendments on the implementing legislation, and giving them an up or down vote.
It was recently released that many of the “yea” votes in the Senate were bought by big money hiding behind non-profit organizations. A total of $1,148,971 dollars were given to Senators for “yea” votes.
Corporations are taking control of what policies are approved or blocked in the U.S. We cannot sit around while corporations decide what is “good” for America or not! This is suppose to be a democracy, not a plutocracy! Contact your representatives and let them know that you do not want them to vote in favor of TPA!

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