The United States was founded on the republican principles of federalism (states’ rights) and representative government. Today’s government is “constitutional” in name only.
The undocumented usurper currently despoiling the peoples’ house has for six years shown utter disdain for the founding document. In a town hall meeting on Wednesday last, Barack Obama bragged that he has expanded his authorities “under executive action and prosecutorial discretion.”
But Article III of the Constitution lays out the chief executive’s authorities quite explicitly. There is no room for “expanding” them within the scope of the Constitution. The President is neither tasked with nor authorized to write law or change it. That falls solely under the scope of Congress, as outlined in Article I, Section 1. The executive’s role under Article III, Section 4 is to “take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed.”
But Congress has ceded its authority as the lawmaking body to the imperial president and the myriad alphabet soup agencies of government. Now we have the IRS, the FCC, the EPA, HHS, the Department of Energy, the Department of Homeland Security, the FDA, the USDA, etc., writing and enforcing laws under the guise of “regulatory authority.” The result is a contemptible abuse of the people by agents of the federal government, rising taxes and fees, closed businesses, stifled innovation, and depressed economic growth.
When some in Congress do take the tepid step of attempting to regain some of its authority, the bureaucrats show their disdain and contempt of that “august body” by refusing to testify when called on or by refusing to provide requested documents outlining their regulatory agenda or demonstrating the depths of their criminality (see Tom Wheeler, Lois Lerner, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, etc.).
An activist judiciary is likewise writing law, overturning the will of the people as demonstrated by their votes on state issues and granting by fiat special rights and privileges to one group at the expense of the rights of the others. This is another place where Congress has ceded its authority.
Should it choose to, Congress has the power under Article III, Section 2 to regulate the federal judiciary, including the Supreme Court. In other words, Congress can pass a law prohibiting the federal courts from ruling on such issues as state-passed referenda on gay marriage, abortion, legalization of pot or anything it chooses.
Of course, few in Congress when considering doing a thing stop to consider whether they are authorized to do it. Fewer still in government consider the Constitution at all. That’s because politics and government attract psychopaths, liars and thieves. It attracts people who are parasitic in nature, greedy and without conscience. In short, these are people who have the born mentality to live off of other people.
They are selfish and attracted to money and power. Therefore, they are easily swayed and even bought by the corporatists and banksters; and their every act is to increase their and their agency’s power and sphere of influence.
The masses of people have been propagandized by the state-controlled media and the public (non)education system into believing that government is designed and tasked with looking out for the best interests of the people. But nothing could be further from the truth. They have little knowledge of the Constitution and little concept of limited government, and they believe government can and should be all things to all people… particularly if a check to them from the federal Treasury is involved.
Every single time we defer our own self-reliant free-will rights and responsibilities to determine anything and everything for our selves, to others, by hiring ('electing') and paying anyone else to do our thinking for us, they instantly take total advantage of our stupidity and screw us over BY doing all our thinking "for us" by giving all of our money to them selves, exactly as we've more or less requested of them that they should do to us!
After all, they reason for us and about us, reasonably, that we are people who willingly gave up our right to think, along with our responsibility to do so! And since we have no right to think, we have chosen to be nothing more than their beast of burden; their animals and their property. After all, animals have no rights, and only the responsibility to obey the commands of the "expert" brains they have chosen to defer them selves to.
"Authority," pretty-much by definition, demands that all non-authorities Submit to being SLAVES of the Authority.
The so-called regulatory agencies of government are typically staffed at the top by crony capitalists and lobbyists for the industries they supposedly regulate. As such, they write rules and regulations that benefit preferred large multinational corporations and government at the expense of the people. I have documented this so many times here that it is now self-evident to all but the most sycophantic worshipers of government. However, given its relevance considering the passage last Thursday of misnamed “net neutrality” regulations by the FCC, I give you for evidence the agency’s chairman, Tom Wheeler, former president of the National Cable and Telecommunications Association and CEO of the Cellular Telecommunications & Internet Association, which are lobbying organizations for the cable and telecommunications industries. He was also an executive for a venture capital firm that invested in technology firms.
As Benito Mussolini stated, “Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” and “The definition of fascism is the marriage of corporation and state.” That exactly explains what our former constitutional republic has become. It is benevolent totalitarianism, tyranny under the guise of democracy. But the truth is democracy = socialism = fascism = communism. They are one in the same.
Mussolini also said of his fascism, “We have buried the putrid corpse of liberty,” and that is likewise the goal of the American fascist politician and federal bureaucrat. Liberty necessarily perishes under collectivism, egalitarianism and government altruism.
Now we have in America laws that allow for the indefinite imprisonment without trial of those the state deems “terrorists,” without that term being defined. We have an American president who has assumed the authority to kill Americans with drones without due process. We have federal authorities and state and local police abusing citizens with impunity, shooting unarmed and complying citizens down like rabid dogs. And we even have evidence of local police using CIA- or Gestapo-like “black sites” to hold and interrogate Americans without charges or due process.
America is a prison nation, with more citizens incarcerated than the most vile and oppressive government you might care to name.
It bears little resemblance to the free and prosperous nation envisioned as the 18th century turned into the 19th, or even as the 19th turned into the 20th.
In his book, “The Political Crisis of the 1850s,” Michael Holt describes how Americans, particularly Southern Americans, had lost all confidence in the current political system because the existing parties did not represent the people but instead represented the agricultural aristocracy and big business and the banksters. There was also an influx of aliens (mostly Irish Catholics and Germans) who Americans believed did not understand or appreciate America’s “values.” The political parties agitated the people over these immigrants, creating a constant state of strife in addition to the already existing acrimony over the slavery issue, the addition of states to the union and tariffs.
America’s current political system is very similar. Regardless of which “party” holds power, government grows more oppressive and steals more wealth from its people. It creates one crisis after the other, keeping the people agitated against each other so they cannot focus on the real culprit behind their lost liberties: fascist government.
Elite politicians and most white progressives hold most Americans in great disdain. To them, conservatives are racist hicks and trailer trash clinging to their guns and religion — backward and ignorant and “anti” progressive. Or, in their minds, regressive. To the elite politicians and most white progressives, blacks are incapable of providing for themselves or are simply another minority group ripe for continued exploitation. It is slavery under another name.
Elite politicians and most white progressives would like nothing more than to see those in “flyover country” left to their own devices. Yet talk of separation is deemed seditious, unpatriotic or unAmerican; and those who mention secession are considered more dangerous than ISIS, or IS or ISIL by the current regime. Just belonging to a group discussing secession now gets you raided by the FBI and fingerprinted and your personal communication devices confiscated.
This is freedom in America.
The Constitution was ratified to create a government “in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” Can anyone honestly say American government does these things today?
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